I thoroughly enjoy rounding up the kids and running or walking a fun 5K together or even watching them participate in a kids run. They feel so accomplished after crossing that finish line and taking home a medal. 

One big thing COVID-19 took away from us last year was in-person running events. Although they are slowly building up and some runs are in fact going virtual this year, they are beginning to happen again. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

Here are some of my favorites family fun runs and walks coming up this spring!

Be sure to check websites directly for up-to-date information. 

The Cincinnati Riverfront Volksmarch Group March Volksmarch (“The Coming of Spring – Bockfest Volksmarch”); raceroster.com/events/2021/34027/2021-bockfest-5k
Saturday March 6, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The 5K (3.1 Mile) Volksmarch registration is from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and complete walk by 1 p.m. Families are encouraged to wear their favorite Bockfest attire during the walk! A portion of the proceeds go to the Brewery District non-profit, the organizers of Bockfest. For up-to-date information, visit the Cincinnati Riverfront Volksmarch’s Facebook page. Also keep in mind, that Bockfest, Cincinnati’s annual celebration of spring, takes place March 5 – 7. Due to the ongoing pandemic, organizers have had to alter many events; visit bockfest.com for the latest details. 

Flying Pig Marathon Weekend (virtual format only), May 1 & 2.; raceroster.com/events/2021/34032/2021-cincinnati-flying-pig-marathon-weekend
Saturday, May 1 and Sunday, May 2
Flying Pig Marathon/Queen Bee Half Marathon  are planning for in-person events) October 29 – 31! Stay up to date on their Facebook page. Registration is now available; virtual registrants will have the first opportunity to transfer to in-person events. 

Matt’s 5K Pursuit; matthaverkamp.com/events/matts-5k-pursuit
Sunday, April 11
This fun run/walk marks the 16th year for the annual Matt’s 5K Pursuit held at Spring Grove Cemetery. The race kicks off at 9 a.m. with sign-in and T-shirt and race bib pick up beforehand from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Awards for Race Runners will be presented to the top three men and top three women in each division! Note that no awards will be presented to non chip-timed Fun Walkers or Virtual Participants.

Girls on the Run 5K; gotrcincinnati.org/5K (virtual event)
Friday, May 14 – Sunday, May 16

Complete a 5K on your family’s own time during GOTR Virtual Weekend. Choose to run, walk or cycle! It’s about having fun and encouraging your family and friends to do the same while getting strong together.

Need some running tips for your mini runners? Click here!

This article was originally published in March 2025.