If you don’t have a family tradition, it is never too late to start one. One of our family traditions is visiting Lebanon Mason Monroe Railroad (16 E. South St., Lebanon, OH 45036) at least one time per year, and so far we made it a point to see Thomas the Tank Engine on his last Day Out With Thomas tour for my little boys 7th birthday celebration. Luckily, LM&M Railroad has a ton more where that event came from.

Our Mini Adventure:

As we walked by the train, by little boy asked me, “Can we go on the train today?” I replied, trying to be sneaky and sly, “Well sure, if we have time after we go to your surprise.” Little did he know, we were about to greet the conductor and aboard the train. He was very surprised and about jumped out of his shoes!

The Day Out With Thomas tour consisted of a 25-minute train ride, up and back, followed by a family event. The event welcomed guests with bouncy castles, bubbles, photos with Sir Topham Hatt and Thomas the Tank Engine, a gift shop, a discovery center and Kona Ice. Passports were handed out to the children prior to the train ride so they can to each event booth and collect stamps. Each booth had a theme, and if they got all four stamps, kids received a small Thomas prize at the end. The kids loved the train ride and bouncy houses the most.

We were sad to see Thomas go, but we are excited for LM&M Railroad’s upcoming events to celebrate the fall:

Fall Flyer:

This fall-frenzy train stops at The Black Barn (cash only), a local greenhouse and farm market, for families to purchase treats like apple cider, pies, caramel apples and more! There is also a tasty shop located on-board the train in the open-air bar.

The pie pumpkins are available in the station area where the kiddos can decorate their pumpkin before or after the train ride. Passengers must show their train ticket to the attendant to receive their free pumpkin. For more information about the Fall Flyer, visit lebanonrr.com/pumpkin/.

Event dates: October 20, 21, 27 and 28
Departure times: Saturday: 10 a.m., Noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.; Sunday 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Trip length: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Pricing (all ticketed passengers receive a locally-grown pie pumpkin, and adults and seniors receive a LM&M Railroad tote bag): $15 adults, $12 seniors, $12 ages 2-16, free ages 1 and younger, $5+ for deluxe seating

Turtle Creek Valley Flyer:

This unique train ride takes you on a more educational experience that is great for schools and daycares. Wind through the Ohio Valley and learn all about it’s history on an exciting locomotive train ride. Concessions are available on-board the train.

Event dates: September 19, 22 and 27; October 25 and 31
Departure times: 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Trip Length: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Pricing: $14 adults, $10 seniors, $10 ages 2 – 16, free ages 1 and younger, $5+ for deluxe seating

For more details, visit https://lebanonrr.com/tcvf/.


This article was originally published in March 2025.