My husband and son have recently discovered they enjoy playing laser tag together. It is great father/son bonding time for them and they make quite the team. While my husband “covers” himself and my son, my son aims at the targets to collect as many points as possible. My son’s favorite part “is being sneaky like a ninja and getting scores!” My daughter and I always try and watch them play. Lazer Kraze in Mason has a viewing area right on the floor so you feel like you are part of the game without even playing. We silently cheer on our boys so we wouldn’t give up their location.

Lazer Kraze

On our most recent trip to Lazer Kraze, my daughter and I took our spots in the viewing area to watch our favorite boys play. Eventually, my daughter tired of watching them as each mission is approximately 20 minutes long with about 12 minutes of play time. Since she watched and cheered so quietly I snuck us both out of the viewing area and back into the arcade. I let her pick a game and on her first play she hit the JACKPOT!!! She was ecstatic!

Eventually my son raced over to us to tell that he took 3rd place and that my husband took 1st. They were equally proud of their scores. We all planned on jumping on the trampolines after their mission, so we went and got socks and prepared to jump. Unfortunately, I didn’t read the website first and the minimum age to jump is 4, so my daughter was not able to use the trampolines. She ran back to the arcade and was like a pinball bouncing between games as the boys jumped.

When it was time to leave, my son played the Jurassic Park game (apparently his favorite according to him!) while my daughter cashed in her winnings! She was super excited to buy tiny food objects with her tickets … I see Shopkins and many trips back to Lazer Kraze in our future!

Check out Lazer Kraze for hours and pricing:

Lazer Kraze

Mason: 7082 Columbia Road, 513-339-1030

Northern Kentucky: 1335 Donaldson Road, Erlanger, 859-371-5729

This article was originally published in March 2025.