It’s tough these days finding safe, social distancing activities to do with the kids. We’ve been on plenty of nature walks, parks and have had our fair share of fun, family picnics. My ears rung when I heard Jurassic Quest was coming back to Cincinnati this year in drive-thru form. No getting out of your car, just gazing at over 70 ginormous life-like dinosaurs – my kids were intrigued!


As we drove up to Coney Island, my kids could see the dinosaurs from the highway. They were screaming inside with excitement and had so many questions: My four-year-old asks, “Mommy are they real?” My oldest, Will, asks, “Will we see the Megalodon? Is there a T-Rex?” They couldn’t wait. 

We pulled up to the gate and the employee explained to us how we can download the audio guide for free to help guide us through our upcoming adventure. This was Will’s favorite part, 100 percent, other than discovering there was, in fact, a 50 foot-long Megalodon. The audio guide really made the drive-thru more engaging as it walked you through each and every fun fact of the dinos all in time and order as they appeared in the Jurassic Period. So if you’re looking for an excuse to get out of the house, social distance and educate your kids, I recommend heading to Jurassic Quest this weekend at Coney Island before the dinos disappear! 

After the kids “ooed” and “awed,” and pointed at every cool prehistoric land and water mammal, there came an opportunity to grab some souvenirs safely from your car plus get a free family car photo on your way out. You can actually purchase prizes and more surprises for the kids online before you go to make the experience even more enjoyable. 

This is the first-ever Jurassic Drive Thru and the nation’s best touring dinosaur exhibit transformed into one interactive drive-thru experience. Catch it before it goes – it’s here at Coney Island through Sunday, August 30, daily hours 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.; and on other days 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Find more information and reserve your tickets online at

This article was originally published in March 2025.