(All photos by Tina Pratt)

Fall is by far my favorite time of year to embed language lessons into everything we do. Station Road Farm was the PERFECT stage to root some language practice and learning in for my six year old, while of course, having fun!

This season is the perfect time to talk about attributes of things such as color, size and texture. While at Station Road Farm, my daughter and I compared big and small pumpkins, used our sense of sight to hunt out bright-and dull-colored gourds. We also used our sense of touch to sort gourds by smooth and bumpy textures as well as heavy and light. Station Road Farm had a large variety of pumpkins and gourds for us to explore. They even had apple gourds, which is by far my favorite of all gourds, so we played a game of, “I Spy the Apple Gourd!” to find a few for our porch. 

As a former teacher, I also love text to self-connections! My daughter’s teacher recently read, “Spookly the Square Pumpkin,” and and little gal enjoyed running around the farm looking for square pumpkins! She also loved posing near semi-square ones to send pics to her teacher. Station Road Farm has great prices, so we were able to get a “square” pumpkin, apple gourds for this mama, pumpkins for our porch and even some small pumpkins and gourds for my daughter’s class sensory table.

After visiting the market, my daughter and I topped off our date with some time spent running on the farm fun playground and feeding the chickens. My daughter was a bit hesitant going into the pen with the chickens, but she faced her fears and loved it!

One thing we didn’t get to do on our visit – but we definitely will head back to do – is go on the hayride. For a small fee, you can take a 20-minute ride to feed the chickens and pick a pumpkin. I see a trip back to Station Road Farm on a weekend to enjoy the hayride soon – this is the final weekend to take advantage of their hayride and u-pick pumpkin!

Station Road Farm is located at 6749 Station Road, West Chester. For more information and to check out all that they have to offer, go to  stationroadfarmandlandscaping.com.

This article was originally published in March 2025.