Fall is my family’s favorite season. We enjoy all things fall and I had heard great things about Fall on the Farm at Blooms & Berries. We decided it was time we checked it out! It was a beautiful 30-minute drive from our house out to Loveland. The entire drive my son was creating his mental “to-do” list of all of the things he wanted to do and see. Fall on the Farm had EVERYTHING on his list and then some!

Both of my kids immediately darted to Holly’s Scrambled Egg Race — just one of the many fun hands-on games for kids to play while they are there. They grabbed eggs and pumpkins to race down one of the four colorful gutters while we discussed the size and speed of what they were racing.


There was no slowing them down as they were jumping and climbing on a giant rope web, racing ducks down gutters and using their muscles to pump water to win the race (my kids might be slightly competitive), climbing play structures to go down tunnel slides, riding animal swings, completing the straw maze, riding the cow train, and going through “Spookley’s” Storyboard Trail! The storyboard trail was my favorite! I loved that my son recognized that we have the same book at home!

While my son was playing, my husband was showing my daughter one of the many large piles of pumpkins and gourds. He was asking her to point out ones that were rough, smooth, large, small, bumpy, clean, dirty, orange, green, white, etc. He was giving her an impromptu language and vocabulary lesson! (Talk about proud mom/wife/former teacher!)


When I checked the website for what time they opened, I noticed that they offered an “I spy” Hay ride. It’s exactly what it sounds like! You can play “I spy” while riding the wagon to get pumpkins. There are multiple wooden animals and insects on the path that you can use to play “I spy” with and increase your child’s vocabulary. My kids loved it!

My daughter’s favorite part was definitely the animals. She took her time to pet the goats, donkeys, lambs, and loved watching the ducks swim in their pool. There was an employee that spent time telling them about the animals too!

My son was most excited for the corn maze. We were given a maze map at the entrance and he studied it for quite some time. There are two mazes. A larger one for “big” kids (which takes about 45 minutes) and a smaller one (about 15 minutes) that was perfect for my family. Both mazes keep you engaged by not only trying to find your way out, but by also collecting punches! In the big maze you can complete “The Great Honey Caper” by finding alibis of suspects and punching your card. The one character not punched is the culprit in the missing honey. In the kids maze you are looking for the five items necessary in the production of honey! When we finally escaped the maze my son and daughter learned about what give thing are needed! Great embedded lesson in a fun activity!


Of course we made a trip into the market before we left. We picked up caramel apples, cider, and a few other goodies too! (You can find the Spookley book and other farm books in the market too.) We enjoyed our treats at one of the picnic tables and then picked out some pumpkins before heading home.


Today I wished I was still in the classroom! I would have definitely signed up my class for a field trip to Blooms & Berries to experience Fall on the Farm. There are so many great learning opportunities embedded into the fun hands on activities at the farm. They even teach kiddos about composting and the life cycle of a pumpkin. We will definitely be making another trip back in a couple of weeks. I want to get some pictures of my kiddos in front of the sunflowers! Overall we had a fabulous time! We highly recommend checking out Fall on the Farm!


Fall on the Farm runs September 19 through October 31

Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. | Sun 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

 FARM ADMISSION: Mon – Fri $7 | Sat and Sun $10; Ages Under 2 Free!

Admission includes Hayrides, Corn Maze, Kids Corn Maze, Play Area, Farm Animals, Spookley, and More!

Blooms & Berries Farm Market
9669 S. St. Rt. 48, Loveland, Ohio 45140


Mom Reporter Tina Pratt is the mom of two littles.  She is a former PreK- 5 special education teacher that now works as a behavior coach.  She enjoys being a tourist in her own town and finding ways to embed lessons into everyday fun!


This article was originally published in March 2025.