My husband and I have participated in three and have enjoyed each one – we can’t wait to sign up for more. My oldest asked us many questions about them and has been begging to test his problem-solving skills and try one.
Prior to our son’s eighth birthday, I began looking for options for him to celebrate his birthday with his teammates, and I came across Escape Room Family. It sounded perfect for my son and his soccer team! I showed him the webpage and he was immediately interested.

With our busy schedule, I needed a party that was easy to schedule and didn’t require much work on my part, and Escape Room met that need. I booked online and provided our guests with the date and time. The day of his party, we showed up and learned about some of the puzzles they had to solve in their Pirate Ship adventure. The kids were pumped up and ready to work together to earn a medal. That’s right, a medal! If they scored above 500 points they would earn a bronze medal. The silver and gold medals could be earned with more points. The boys were ready and up for the challenge.

When it was time to start, they were lead into the room and told they had 30 minutes to solve as many puzzles as possible to unlock/release balls they needed to collect for points. The boys took off and began trying to solve the puzzles. Then they realized they could solve more when they made a strategy and worked together. I went in the room with the team and had fun helping them solve the puzzle, which varied in difficulty levels. You could hear the enthusiasm in their voices as they shared the clues they found.
After 30 minutes, the boys were guided out of the room for a five-minute break. As a former teacher, I loved that they had a time to rest their brains, discuss what worked well for them as a team and what they could do better – then they did the floss and were ready for room two of the pirate-themed rooms!

When it was time for the second room, it was like a herd of bulls were released on the streets of Spain. They charged into that room and began solving as many puzzles as they could, as fast as they could. In the second room, we had three adults which supported and guided them in the puzzles, and we enjoyed it as much as the kids did!
Our entire experience at Escape Room Junior was amazing. As soon as my son got into the car he asked, “Can we do it again tomorrow?” I can’t wait to schedule a playdate with his friends to do another one! Looking for something fun to do with your kids or a fun birthday party idea? Check out Escape Room Family! For more details, visit