7 a.m. (in a loud “whisper”): “MOM! Is it time for cookie camp yet?” Repeat at 8 a.m., 9 a.m., and so on! Needless to say, my daughter was excited for her first cookie camp at Delicious Designs Cookies. I registered her for the two-hour drop-off experience and immediately she began the countdown and rubbing it in to her brother that she got to go see “the lady that makes all her birthday cookies!”

When the time finally came, I picked up her friend and took them both to Delicious Designs located in West Chester. I checked them both in for the camp and they began to play with LEGOs. The themes for the camps have varied this summer from Shopkins, Fidget Spinners, LEGOs, etc. The camp I signed up my daughter for was the LEGO camp!

The kids spent some time using LEGOs to build towers, houses, and other amazing creations. Next, they picked out what color apron they wanted and decorated their aprons with their name as well as any pictures they wanted to draw on it. Arin (Owner of Delicious Designs) then provided each participant a cookie box that they could decorate with markers and label with their name and everybody made fun LEGO masks to take home too!

Next, the kids got to the yummy part … the cookie decorating! They used paint brushes to paint the icing on their “LEGO Block” cookies and piping bags to add decorations. Arin helped guide the littlest decorator, my daughter, by using phrases like, “you can squeeze the frosting to look like Hershey Kisses,” which helped my daughter better understand a decorating technique.

After decorating their cookies and getting them just right, the participants grabbed their lunch, their favorite cookie, and chatted with the other kids. Finally, they played a game of BINGO while waiting for their parents to arrive for pick up.

When it was time to leave, my daughter and her friend asked if they could both go back tomorrow to make more cookies. They were proud to show off their tasty masterpieces and my daughter even shared some with her brother! Evelyn said, “It was lots of fun painting cookies and even more fun eating them!” I will definitely be watching Delicious Designs Cookies on Facebook for more camps to sign my kids up for!

Like Delicious Designs on Facebook and check out the website to see all of the great things they have to offer! … I ordered some swim meet themed cookies and can’t wait to pick them up!


Photo Credit:

Facebook: Ali Wolfe Photography (@aliwolfephotography)
Instagram: @aliwolfe_photo
Website: www.aliwolfe.com



This article was originally published in March 2025.