Jaw dropping aerial acts! Flips! Twists! Live music! Fire! Ice! 


Cirque do Soleil’s 2nd ever ice skating show, Axel, is hitting Heritage Bank Center (100 Broadway) this weekend (Jan 24 – 26). Discounted tickets are available at cirquedusoleil.com/axel


My son and I had the chance to see Axel and we were definitely “wowed”. The choreography, costuming and production value are all amazing; add in the gravity-defying acts, and the show will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time. 

I was worried the “Crique” style storyline might be too abstract for my 8 year old… but when I checked in with him during intermission, I was surprised to hear he completely “got it”! We interpreted Axel’s main message to be about finding your “light” after someone tries to steal it- an important message, especially for kids! 

Beyond following the storyline, I will quote my son as saying “I don’t know which thing to look at! Wow!”. The show is a feast for the eyes; there is always something jaw-dropping drawing your attention in. It is hard to choose a favorite act because so many of them got my heart racing… I kept looking at my son and saying “Nope!” because I was excitedly nervous for the performers! I fully trusted their skillset, but something about seeing a woman dangle another woman 20 feet in the air using only her feet to hold the woman by her neck makes me a little uncomfortable. Not in a bad way, but in a motherly “OMG get down from there”,  curious “How are they doing that?”, and confused “Did I just see that?” type of way. The strength and skills the performers have are mind boggling… but I also thought about the sense of family the show must have because these people literally trust each other with their lives every time they take the ice. 

Amazed would be an understatement. 

Get your tickets for this weekend’s show and get ready to be wowed.


Friday, Jan 24 @ 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, Jan 25 @ 3:30 and 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, Jan 26 @ 1 and 5 p.m.

This article was originally published in March 2025.