Over the summer, the kids and I participated in the MetroParks of Butler Counties 50 Fun Things Challenge. We had so much fun creekin’, collecting rocks, and marking our sheet to keep track of the fun things we had done. When summer was over, we turned in our sheet to the office at Voice of America. Shortly after, I was contacted to find out our youngest won the contest!

Part of her prize was attending the opening ceremony of the new farm themed nature playscape located at Chrisholm MetroPark’s Historic Farmstead. The best part of her day was getting the scissors to cut the ribbon to the new playground, push open the gate and being the first child to play on the new playground.

She quickly jumped up into the wooden tractor and began “driving” around the farm. My son quickly located the rocks and began tumbling them down a wooden slope to “make music.” They enjoyed using the large sticks to build a fort and held a “very important” meeting at the adorable table and chairs made out of tree trunks. My favorite part was when I showed them the play animal pen. I put them in and they pretended they were little pigs! They would escape and I would chase my pigs down and herd them back into the pen. It was so much fun!

My kids enjoyed petting the sheep that were brought to Chrisholm for the grand opening and getting to know more about April and Brat. They also enjoyed seeing the chickens walk around freely and it was exciting to see my kids walk around with them without being scared. My son even fed them some dried mealworms straight out of his hand!

They were exhausted and covered in dirt by the time we left, both great signs of a good time. When I asked my daughter, what her favorite part was, she replied, “EVERYTHING!” The fresh air and outdoor play helped both of my kids fall asleep before 8 p.m. I look forward to taking them again!


Located at Chrisholm MetroPark 2070 Woodsdale Rd. Trenton, OH



This article was originally published in March 2025.