Calling all LEGO lovers! Each month the LEGO store offers two afternoons/evenings of FREE LEGO mini-builds at the store. Quantities are limited, so you must register online to participate. You register your kiddo for a specific 15 minute slot of time. When your child is done building they get to take the mini-model home with them.

My son looks forward to it each month. It is our monthly mommy/son date. We drive down to Kenwood, check out a few stores, and then head over to the LEGO store. I am fairly certain they know all of my son’s favorite kits and move them down to his eye level right before we get there. He always finds a box that he HAS to have. He continuously seems to complete his positive reinforcement chart (sticker chart!) a day or two before we go, so he always chooses to “cash out” and get his reward for his positive behavior while we are there. We always walk out with his mini-model and a box … another project for him to complete.

While putting together the project of the month, my son works on his fine motor, problem solving, and math skills. He follows the directions to make his creation and gets faster and faster each month. When he is complete he shows a Brick Master and gets a bag to transport his project home.


The LEGO store at Kenwood recently got a new Digital Box. It has a camera that you can stand in front of while holding a LEGO set. Once it reads the box it displays the LEGO set in 3D on the screen. My son spent over an hour exploring box after box and seeing what each one looked like in 3D. I’ll be honest … I participated in the 3D fun too! We both look forward to the next mini-build and our mommy/son bonding time together.

Due to safety and build experience standards, builders must be between the ages of 6-14 to participate. The mini-model must be completely built in store. Registration is on a first come first serve basis and quantities are limited. Please note that the store does not accept walk ups on the night of the event.


This article was originally published in March 2025.