“I want to snuggle him,” said 3-year-old Luca as he gave himself a big bear hug. “And I want to tickle his little feet,” chimed in the biggest brother, Dominic, age 5. My sweet boys continue watching an ultrasound video taken of their baby brother at Becoming Mom Spa + Ultrasound in Mason, Ohio, and “Awwwwwws” echo throughout my living room. “Will he have brown eyes like us?” asks D. “Will he have hair like mine when I was a baby?” asks L. My big boys’ excitement has piqued with the viewing of my ultrasound video, and they cannot wait to meet their baby brother, Vincent.


My husband Joe and I have been customers of Becoming Mom since my very first pregnancy in 2011. It is absolutely magical to grow a completely new human being in your own body! Looking down at my belly, and feeling little tiny kicks and jabs makes me feel so connected to the life I am about to bring into this world. It’s like a secret language between just baby and mom, kick-jab-kick means “I love you.” The physical sensation of having a bump and feeling baby wiggle and move while pregnant is something I always miss once they’re born, so it’s kind of nice to have a reminder of Baby’s in-utero days with ultrasound photos and videos. For each of my pregnancies, I have gotten two ultrasounds from Becoming Mom:  the “Just Can’t Wait” ultrasound at 16 weeks (to determine the sex of the baby), then around 31 weeks, the 15-minute 3D ultrasound called the “Simply Sweet.”


This time around, we were able to enjoy Becoming Mom’s new storefront. It is in the same center as the other location, and a bit closer to Buy Buy Baby. The Becoming Mom storefront is just as lovely as the other, with a very calm and nurturing atmosphere. The ultrasound room is spacious and comfortable, and allows for Mom to invite the important people in her life to experience the ultrasound with her.


My recent 3D ultrasound was with a technician named Rebecca, who has to have been the most patient tech we have ever had the pleasure of encountering. My sweet little guy was folded over, with both arms covering his face, and one of his feet was even hovering around his eyebrow … because that sounds comfortable, right?  Rebecca told me to try sitting in different positions and we tried different techniques to get Baby to cooperate, and finally, it happened! And it was absolutely climactic. First his foot moved down, then one hand, then the other, to expose an adorable, sweet little face. The room “awwed” in unison!  I was certain we were going to be asked to come back to try again, but thanks to the technician’s patience, we got a handful of great shots. After my ultrasound, I feel closely bonded to my baby. It’s almost as if I can put a face to a name! I also can say that my young sons are more excited to meet their brother now since they understand he is not just a basketball growing inside of me, he is a sweet little baby.


During my Baby Sprinkle this past weekend, I printed out 3d ultrasound pictures of each of my dudes from Becoming Mom. I glued them on a board, and gave each of my guests a sheet to fill in their guesses. Which picture was which baby? I had a small gathering, and four people chose correctly! I was really impressed, but when I look at the pictures, I see features from babydom that my boys still have. D still has a short little chin with big eyes while L still has adorable chubby cheeks and a round face.   


Back to  my recent visit to Becoming Mom … I asked if there was any way I could book a spa service for that day while checking in. If you have been pregnant, you know your body does some really bizarre things that no one really talks about openly (everything from frequent nosebleeds to popping pubic bones — I wish someone would have told me about all this weird stuff, so I knew it is all actually normal!). While my hair is naturally blonde and pretty fine, there has been just … more of it… on … my FACE! Tis’ the season to be jolly, but I did not want to look like a furry faced Yeti at my Baby Sprinkle this past weekend. Thankfully, the lovely ladies at Becoming Mom were able to book me for a waxing that very day. I was lucky, and I would definitely recommend booking in advance … But hey! I have pregnancy brain and didn’t think of it until we were signing in for our ultrasound. The waxing room was nicely decorated, the esthetician was very friendly and kind, the waxing itself was a-okay (no pain, no gain, right?), and now my face is as smooth as a babies butt. In the past, I have also had massages at Becoming Mom, which I would seriously recommend. There are many add-ons to help ease whatever pregnancy ailments you are experiencing — for example, and this one is personal, headache relief therapy which includes oils and stones to help an aching momma out.


If you are pregnant, or know someone who is expecting, I would highly recommend utilizing Becoming Mom’s many wonderful services, or gifting a certificate to an expecting mom you love. I assure you that any money you spend there will be well spent. You (or your favorite preggo) will leave feeling rejuvenated, and more ready for Baby!  

Becoming Mom Spa + Ultrasound


Deerfield Towne Center

5485 Deerfield Blvd

Mason, OH 45040


This article was originally published in March 2025.