Fall break is this week for my little girl … don’t know about yours. My daughter is only in first grade and doesn’t really understand why there is a fall break — she just knows she doesn’t have to go to school. She’s been hard at work trying to do her best at school, so we want to make this week fun for her, but I don’t want her to get too far out of the school groove.

That’s why we have scheduled lots of fun things to do with her this week like going to the movies, visiting a local farm and picking pumpkins, going to my favorite childhood place Fall Creek Falls, crafts and more! With all this fun stuff that we are going to do, I am also planning on giving her plenty of time to read her books from school and do a few activities to keep the brain juices flowing.

All of these things can be done for little to no money at all. We chose a variety of activities that will also keep her learning, too. Yeah, movies are not really a place to learn much from, but at least it’s something fun that she wants to do.

Visiting a local farm is not only educational, but fun for the entire family. There are LOTS of farms one can visit, just check out our Fall Fun Guide. Children can enjoy petting a few farm animals, go through a corn or hay bale maze, pick pumpkins and so much more.

Fall Creek Falls is one of my all-time favorite places. We have been taking family hikes there since I was a little girl — and I can nearly remember each visit individually it made that much of an impact on me. It’s been a year since our last visit with our daughter, and she keeps talking about how Daddy went down the wrong road and we were headed in the wrong direction for a while! LOL! But, she still remembers the beautiful place and how much fun she had just walking around and enjoying nature. Now that she’s in first grade, I plan on taking a few things she learned in class already and seeing what she can remember … dealing with nature. It’s a fun way to spot animals, flowers, insects and more.

After a few days of hiking her little legs off, we plan on doing a few crafts at home. I love making things, and I have seen that same spark in her. I’ll let her decide what we should make and let her help me gather all the found objects we need from around the house and outside. You will be amazed at what you can find within your own home that can be turned into something else!

We will end each day with a few good books, too. Just to round it all out. Interspersed between all the fun, she does have a few homework assignments that the teacher and myself have planned for her — just to keep her focused on school. This can be fun, too, parents. Just use your own imagination to help turn it around. Besides, fall break is supposed to be fun, right?!

This article was originally published in March 2025.