Introducing your tots to a second or third language at an early age is key to fluency.  Check out these local organizations for story time sand play groups that will help you to raise a bilingual, or even trilingual, child!

blue manatee children’s bookstore (3054 Madison Road; 513-731-2665) offers three monthly story times in Spanish, French, German, and even Chinese!

Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center (4244 Hamilton Ave.; 513-591-2332) offers a Spanish-speaking playgroup that meets on the second Monday of the month at 11 a.m. (a $5 donation is appreciated).

The Loveland Branch of the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County (649 Loveland Madeira Road; 513-369-4476) offers a Multicultural Families Playdate that meets each month.


This article was originally published in March 2025.