Going organic is a great way to feel good about the foods you serve your family or pack in your child’s school lunch.  Did you know that Klosterman, a locally owned baker, now serves up a line of organic bread?  Choose from Organic Raisin Bread, Organic Honey Wheat Bread, Organic Honey White Bread, and Organic 100% Whole Wheat Bread. 

To celebrate, we perused their Pinterest board for some sandwich packing tips, and found a few really good ones that will make school lunches all the easier:

  1. Sandwiches are a great way to get kids to try new foods — you can sneak a new ingredient into an old favorite as a way to ease kids into a new flavor or texture.
  2. Change up that PB&J with Klosterman’s Organic Honey Wheat or Whole Wheat Bread, and try adding bananas or apples instead of jelly. 
  3. Keep your bread from getting soggy by spreading things like mustard in the middle of the sandwich, between meet and cheese.  And pack chicken or tuna salad in a separate container for your child to build his own sandwich at lunchtime.
  4. Keep your sandwiches on top of other lunch items, to prevent them from getting crushed.

Get more ideas at KlostermanBakery.com!

This article was originally published in March 2025.