Did you notice a little more pink at your local Kroger or grocery store lately? Local company and family-owned Klosterman Bread has been a part of the Pink Ribbon Girls family for the past six years, and is proud to continue their relationship with them. Pink Ribbon Girls is a local organization started by a woman who battled breast cancer and wanted to help others. They provide free services to women and their family’s throughout the Ohio and St. Louis Missouri area.

As part of Breast Cancer Awareness month, for the first time, Klosterman added pink ribbon flare to their packaging for their yearly campaign, “Pink with a Purpose,” which kicked off October 1. New this year, people can purchase any of their five pink ribbon packaged items – Rich N’ Gold Honey Hamburger Buns, hot dog buns, dinner rolls, white bread and wheat bread – in grocery stores throughout Cincinnati and Dayton. A portion of these proceeds go directly to Pink Ribbon Girls. 

“They have been a great partner,” said Amy Schmitz, director of marketing at Klosterman Baking Company, “they have the attitude of gratitude. It’s like no gift is too small. So it was really encouraging. It was a nice change of pace to feel like, it doesn’t matter what you [Klosterman] want to do for us [Pink Ribbon Girls] we just want to be supported in some way.”

Klosterman is hoping to help as many women fighting breast cancer or who have survived it through their new campaign. Their Facebook page is a highlight of their success, where women can openly share their survivor stories.

“We hope to touch as many people as we can,” said Schmitz. “The great thing we are doing that is new from previous years is, our number one seller items (part of our campaign), Honey Hamburger and Hotdog Buns, our Honey Wheat Bread, Honey White Bread and our Honey Dinner rolls, all have the Pink Ribbon Girls packaging. Our Honey Hamburger Buns, we distribute close to 30,000 a week. We thought, this is such a huge opportunity to get the message into as many homes as possible. That’s just one item.”

The money donated will not only go toward breast cancer awareness, it will also help provide 1,875 meals to women and their families battling breast cancer and reproductive cancers with it’s company goal to raise $15,000 for Pink Ribbon Girls. Pink Ribbon Girls free direct services include housekeeping services, rides to treatment, and meal services for families in need. Their message isn’t just to “talk about cancer, but to take on cancer.”

“You can reach out to Pink Ribbon Girls through their website or on their social media,” said Schmitz. “They have different programs based on what your cancer diagnosis is. Actually, their main client that they serve has stage 4. That is one message they want to get out there – they have services not just for people in stages 1 through 3, it’s for everyone.”

According to Schmidt, it’s not based on any financial anything, services are open to any women fighting the battle. If you reach out to them and tell them your diagnosis, they will match you up with a program and provide the necessary services to you and your family.

Throughout the year, Klosterman also supports The Pink Ribbon Girls through community events, such as Ignite the Fight and High School Pink Sporting Events throughout the fall season. Pink Ribbon Girls is continuing to grow, expanding in St. Louis and Columbus for example, spreading their message, “No One Travels this Road Alone.” As Klosterman joins the Pink Ribbon Girls for an additional year of breast cancer awareness, they will help the organization spread the word throughout the community.

To learn more about the “Pink with a Purpose” campaign, Klosterman and the Pink Ribbon Girls, go to klostermanbakery.com/pinkribbongirls. Want to help out? Go to pinkribbongirls.org for volunteer opportunities.


This article was originally published in March 2025.