One by one I slowly complete each page of my son’s kindergarten registration forms. How is it time for this? Where has the time gone? My eyes well up with tears as I question, did I make the most of these last 5 years? Is he ready? I know the answers to these questions, but I still wonder.

I can’t help but recall all of the fantastic educators he has had in his life up until now. Will his kindergarten teacher care for him like Miss Lydia did? Will they be his best friend like Miss Dani? Will they take what they know about him and expand their themes with additional experiences like Miss Sam and Miss Pam? … He still remembers train week with them! Will he have a crush on his teacher as he did with Miss Ashley? Will his teacher make him giggle and share a snack with him like Miss Jess? Will they put up with me (I am THAT parent!) and encourage him to always do his best work like Miss Sarah? Will his teacher continue to encourage his love for learning?

I know that he is ready, but I don’t think that I am! I keep reminding myself of all of the great teachers that I had and how they helped mold me into who I am today. Will he have a Mrs. Weber that will wipe his tears away? Will they tell him that it is OK to miss a spelling word or two and encourage him to work even harder? Will he have a Mrs. Colvin that understands what his strengths are? Mrs. Colvin knew I enjoyed organizing school supplies and checking papers so she allowed me to stay in at recess and help … and go figure, I ended up in education! Will he have a Mr. Gould? That teacher that you hear so many great things about that you just hope you get into his class and then when you do, you laugh daily while learning math equations and racing to get your quizzles done? Will he have a Mr. Maas that will encourage him to join a team he wants nothing to do with and then excel at it? Thank you Mr. Maas for “forcing” me into joining the track team! Although I still hate running, I still have a love for pole vaulting!

I also wonder about the friendships he will make. Will he meet his Sarah? A friend that he will go through elementary, middle school, and high school with? A friend that he will dance to Michael Bolton with … well, maybe not dance to Michael Bolton, but you get the idea. A friend that no matter what class he is in, what college he goes to, what state he lives in, he will still keep in contact with? Will he meet his future spouse? … My husband and I started going to school together in 6th grade.

Obviously the thought of my first baby going to kindergarten is making me an emotional mess. I am certain come August there will be tears. I will miss being able to login in and watch him during the day while I work. Oh, how I love my WatchMe Grow app! I keep reminding myself that he will be in great hands. As a former teacher, I know that he will be a member of a learning community and his teacher will spend hours upon hours of their own time planning and preparing lessons to engage him and his peers. They will go to sleep at night thinking about the kiddos in their class. I have had many students that have lived rent free in my thoughts on a daily basis. Stepping into kindergarten will be the start of an amazing journey for him and me.

I look forward to watching his academic skills grow and his friendships blossom. I am excited for dinner time when he can tell me all of the fun activities he did for the day. My wish for him is that his love for learning grows exponentially and that he makes memories that last a lifetime that he can someday share with his own children.

This article was originally published in March 2025.