…in layers

It may be cold outside, but it’s just as important for children to get physical activity during the winter as it is during the warmer months. That means outdoor play!

Lots of kids take it upon themselves to toss their hats and jackets off; plenty of kids think its “cool” not to wear winter gear. So parents have to be really proactive and responsible in insisting kids cover their heads and necks in cold weather. Think ‘layers.’ And do the onion:

First layer:

Thermal underwear, sock liners, wool socks, glove liners.

Second layer:

Turtleneck, sweater or a vest, plus sweatpants or ski pants.

Third layer:

Water-resistant jacket, a hat, mittens, waterproof boots with gripping surfaces. Instead of a scarf, buy a neck gaiter. A scarf can get caught on objects, posing a hazard.

5 tips to keep colds away

  • Limit your child’s exposure to sick people. Reschedule a playdate if you know there’s a sibling home sick.
  • Teach children to sneeze into their upper arm or elbow.
  • Toss tissues promptly.
  • Change or sterilize toothbrushes when a child has been sick.
  • Keep hands clean. Hand-washing is the number-one germ buster.

Teach kids to wash their hands several times a day.


This article was originally published in March 2025.