Ohio drivers can show their support for children with the new Ohio “Kids First” specialty license plate, available for purchase through the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Sales of the plate help to further the mission of the Ohio Association of Child Caring Agencies (OACCA), the oldest statewide child advocacy organization in Ohio. OACCA supports and advocates for foster care and community mental health providers, and the thousands of at-risk kids that they serve.

Earlier this year State Sen. Peggy Lehner (R-Kettering) sponsored legislation to create the Kids First plate, and Gov. John Kasich signed the bill into law in June. The plate features a colorful child’s handprint and “Kids First” message.

Families wishing to obtain the new plate can do so through OPLATES.com, by visiting any Ohio Deputy Registrar location, or by calling the Ohio BMV at 1-800-589-TAGS. Those who already renewed their registration can exchange their current license plate for the Kids First plate by choosing the “Exchange Your Plates” option on Oplates.com or by exchanging the plates at a Deputy Registrar. Plates can also be personalized, and purchased for leased vehicles as well.

In addition, a portion of each annual or bi-annual renewal fee for Kids First plates will go toward OACCA’s child advocacy services.

For more details on how to purchase a Kids First plate, visit kidsfirstplate.org.

This article was originally published in March 2025.