Summer vacay JUST started, and I’m already hearing the “I’m ‘bored’s.’” I thoroughly enjoy hearing my kids say that their bored – usually there’s some amazing creativity that follows! However, sometimes my kids need a few ideas – while I need copious amounts of caffeine – to keep them engaged (with use of minimal technology) all summerlong! I’ll let you in on a little secret – if they ask me, “What can I do?” I try to incorporate academics into their fun. Which is then a win in my eyes as we will hopefully reduce the effects of the dreaded “Summer Slide.”

Here are a few easy and fun ways to incorporate learning into summer fun:

General learning:

  • IXL. I know, I know, I just said tech-free, but this is my favorite website for summer fun!  Kids learn while also collecting prizes for their correct answers!
  • Visit your library or local parks summer programs – they always have fun activities that incorporate learning!


  • Cooking in the kitchen – with adult supervision of course! (Check out our review on Harlow’s Harvest!)
  • Have your kids read the cost of items at the store, and calculate your estimated final cost
  • Go on a shape hunt inside and outside
  • Go creeking and look for patterns in fossils you find. Discuss the symmetry or lack of symmetry, too!
  • Have your kids calculate the cost of a family night out. Then work together to save the money for the night out.which creates great practice on delayed gratification!


  • Check out summer reading options at your local library and Barnes and Noble also has great options that usually includes earning a FREE book!
  • Schedule a weekly trip to your local library
  • Find a series to read together as a family or even listen to! We just finished the “Magic Tree House” series on CD. It allowed me some time in the car without two kids bickering about Pokemon cards!


  • Have your kids write their ideal grocery list
  • Have your child scribe a list while you talk
  • Find a penpal, and write letters during the summer
  • Have them create a weekly “wish list” of things that they would like to do. Of course, you get the final say!
  • Keep a journal between you and your kids

For some good ol’ fun, keep a large supply of bubbles, puzzles, chalk, a kite for the windy days, coloring books and crayons! AND for a long list of summer fun activities, check out the FAB and award-winning Cincinnati Family magazine calendar! It will leave you with plenty of things to do this summer!


This article was originally published in March 2025.