Messy, on-the-go snack problems solved with The Straw-lution.

The situation:
“Mom, I’m thirsty!”
Mom hands child drink.
“Mom, I dropped my straw!”
Mom … looks for another straw?

The solution:
Stop that silly game right in its tracks with The Straw-lution – an innovative way to keep a straw in your child’s cup where it belongs. The Straw-lution Straws come in a pack of 12 and are BPA free, dishwasher safe making them easy to reuse or simply toss and made in the U.S.A.

Don’t let this little straw fool you. It may look tiny, but they are very thick, durable and pretty hard to bend, too. It has a slightly slanted tip making it easy to puncture lids on kids’ drinks or into fountain drink lids (a child’s size small, though). But that’s not all.

The Straw-lution straws boast the ability to poke through pudding and yogurt lids, too … and it DOES! So, your child can sip his pudding while in the car and you don’t have to worry about the mess that can be made with a spoon. They are just the right length for those kind of containers as the straws are only five inches in length. However, you must remember to get yogurt or pudding that does not have added elements that make it chunky … like fruit … as it will get stuck in the straw and irritate your child.

Once you poke the straw through, it has built-on, durable flap-like system that prevents the straw from being pulled back out by little hands. Once the desired treat is finished, you simply remove the lid and pull the straw out through the bottom of the lid. The Straw-lution straws are great for packed lunches, too.

Choose from four different colors: blue, green, pink or yellow.

Hot Product:

 The Straw-lution
by J.P.W. Endeavors, LLC
$4.99 (pack of 12 straws)

This article was originally published in March 2025.