Looking for a healthy snack? Then Yogi Granola Crisps is right up your alley.

I must admit that I was a bit skeptical about this product … but I gave it a try.


These all-natural, super crunchy, bite-size granola snacks are so delicious it will be hard to keep yourself from continuously eating them. When I first opened the bag, I got a whiff of the healthy smell … which doesn’t smell so enticing … but you can’t judge it by that. The earthy smell you get is completely made up for with its powerful flavor. Each little bite is packed with sweet goodness. They have several flavors to choose from, but I have only tried the Mountain Blueberry Flax (my FAVORITE!) and the Fresh Strawberry Crunch.  

So, what are they made from you ask?

These nutritious snacks are made from five “ancient” grains – Oats, Barley, Spelt, Quinoa and Amaranth – sweetened with natural fruit puree and pure cane juice. Serving you 20g of whole grains per serving!

You should definitely check out their Nutrition Facts.

Find them at Whole Foods, Supercenters and select grocery stores nationwide.

Hot Product:

SRP: $3.99 – $4.99
Hearthside Food Solutions, LLC
2545 Prairie Road
Eugene, OR 97402

This article was originally published in March 2025.