Celebrate on Sunday, May 12 around town:

  • Treat Mom to a tasty brunch with family and friends at the Winton Woods Mill Race Banquet Center (1515 West Sharon Road). RSVP to 513-825-6467 or greatparks.org for the 10 a.m. or 12 p.m. May 12 servings. Cost is $16.25 adults, $8 ages 2 – 12; free for children younger than 24 months (tax not included).
  • The Krohn Conservatory (1501 Eden Park Drive) offers free admission to all moms on Mother’s Day. The Krohn is open 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., visit cincinnatiparks.com/butterflyshow for details. Admission for all non-mommies is $7 adults, $6 seniors, $4 children, free ages 4 and younger, or purchase a $12 unlimited admission pin.
  • Bring your mom to Jane’s Saddlebag (13989 Ryle Road, Union) for a complimentary flower or plant, lunch and dinner specials, live music from 3 – 6 p.m., and free entry into the petting zoo. Call 859-384-6617 for reservations and visit janessaddlebag.com for more.
  • Stop by the blue manatee children’s bookstore (3054 Madison Road) on Sunday, May 12 for a free drip coffee or tea for moms and 10 percent off all purchases from the bookstore. Call 513-731-2665 or visit bluemanateebooks.com.