When you need a night off, gather your girlfriends and head to Paint & Bake Ceramics (3972 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring) for a Ladies’ Night Out.  Taking place the first Wednesday of each month and open to ages 21 and older (sorry, no husbands or kids allowed!), the evenings out feature appetizers, desserts, and BYOB.  Cost is $3 in advance or $5 at the door, plus the cost of pottery.  RSVP to 859-415-1909 or visit paintandbakeceramics.com.

Or, check out M&M Archery (10112 Toebben Dr., Independence) on the last Friday of each month for Ladies’ Night — leave the boys at home and gather the girls to fling some arrows.  Daughters are welcome for this venture — cost is $12 for adults, and $6 for ages 17 and younger (bow rental is $10).  Call 859-282-6333 or visit mmarchery.com.

This article was originally published in March 2025.