Life’s not all about blue vs. pink, and when they are a very young age, why worry about whether or not your kids are playing with a supposed “girl” or “boy” toy? All kids will love these popular, timeless and gender-neutral toys!



Build them up and break them down! Or chew on them, that works too.

Kitchen Set

Everyone loves food, start them out early with fun baking and cooking (added bonus: it’s a good chance to learn about healthy eating)!

Doodle Art/ Coloring Pages

Color inside the lines or make some scribble masterpieces, it’s up to you!

TeePees and Forts

Read some books or watch movies from inside of your teepee or fort. Mom and Dad can join in, too.


Work together to find what fits. A great activity for kids to do by themselves or with friends.

Wheeled Toys

Balance bikes, wagons, trucks, you name it, and kids will love it.

Playdough/ Eco Dough

Sure it’s messy, but it’s fun. Make some pizzas or a dinosaur; it is all up to your child’s imagination.

Fun House/ Doll House

Dolls aren’t just for girls and little play houses don’t have to be pink.

Cleaning Toys

Everybody clean up! If they’re going to make the mess, they can learn how to clean up after themselves too.

Nesting Toys

Let them practice their fine motor skills with stacking and and seeing what fits.

Head to these web sites for more info on gender-neutral toys and where to find them:



This article was originally published in March 2025.