Cincinnati Family Magazine

Your # 1 Hometown Family Resource

September 7, 2024

10 Solid Family New Year Resolutions

Bye-bye 2023, hello 2024! Discover family new year resolutions to help improve your home life together.

Christmas has past, and welcome to 2024! Once the new year is rung in, and the dust settles down, a new outlook begins to set in. That means it’s time for family new year’s resolutions … only, where do you begin?

Make family resolutions this year to get your family more on track. For instance, do your kids and you spend too much time on screens? Make a resolution to limit screen time (but add in something fun!). Maybe your family should be eating more fruits and veggies and less fast food? Make a resolutions to toss a salad their way everyday. New Year Resolutions bring out the very best that we want for ourselves. So make a list and be ready to start living better in the new year!

10 New Year Family Resolutions:

  1. Spend Less Time on Screens: Everybody know we hop from phones to pads to TVs automatically. Make an effort to mindfully build more time into your family’s life for other endeavors — like reading!
  2. Take on a Family Project: Maybe it’s something you can all work on together at home. Or maybe you feel it’s time to sign your family up for “giving back” in the community. Matthew 25 Ministries has lots of different ways to get your family involved in a project, plus they now have a sensory-friendly room with soft lighting, a quieter environment, and sensory-friendly features, such as bubble tubes, fiber optics, cozy sitting areas and more.
  3. Play More Board Games: Those games your kids got for Christmas? Make an effort to play them together. Playing board games is a bonding experience. It’s so much fun to play a game and chit chat together as you play. Strike up a Family Game Night. Fun!
  4. Do Chores Together: Nobody in the family is immune from helping out at home! Start a clean your room once a week routine and up up some sort of chart so everybody knows what’s expected of them each day and you don’t have to talk on and on about it.
  5. Teach Kids to Cook: Children of all ages can get involved in the kitchen. By the time they are 12 years old they’ll be able to cook a full meal on their own. Brilliant! Follow the tips on this handy guide.

If you think it, you can do it …

  1. Eat More Fruits and Veggies: Enough of the brussel sprouts! Get your family to eat better by serving a salad at every dinner you prepare. Anything can go into a salad and leafy greens are the best thing you can serve your family. Here’s a great gallery of salads to help you get started.
  2. Know Your Family Emergency Plan: There’s nothing worse than NOT being prepared in the event of a power black out or some other occurrence. Get your family plan together and know the good feeling that comes from being prepared.
  3. Encourage Family Walks: Everybody can use more physical activity, right? Have the kids walk the dog. Head to the park and take a brisk walk or do it right in your neighborhood. It’s amazing how fresh air and just getting outside results in a quick pick me up for everybody.
  4. Plan the Upcoming Summer or Next Winter Break: Time flies, that’s why you have to plan ahead for upcoming breaks. The good news is it can be done together and it’s a fun activity. Dream online together, checking out the country and ideas for a family road trip. Don’t hold back. Dream about the places you’d like to visit someday — the sky’s no longer the limit!
  5. Say More “Yes” – Make an effort to say “yes” to your kids more often and for them to say “yes” back to you. Saying “yes” is good and productive. As in, “Mom, can I go to Carson’s house for a couple of hours to hang out?” And you reply, “Have you done your homework?” And your kid replies, “Yes.” And then you say, “Yes!” Yes works wonders for everyone. Aim for yes!

Discover More Things to Do Here!

About the Author

Susan Day

Susan Day is the editor in chief of Cincinnati Family Magazine and a mother of four.