Kids can lose a lot of academic ground over the summer months.  So parents, be sure to sign up for the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County’s Summer Learning program.  Now in its second year, the program combines reading, one-on-one instruction, nutrition, and fun summer memories.  Kids can create an online profile to keep track of all the reading they do between June 1 and July 31.  They can also register for week-long Brain Camps at select branches and the Main Library.  Camps meet from 1 – 4 p.m. on weekdays and include stories, games, science experiments, and crafts all focused on various summer themes like Summer Safari, Under the Big Top, and Star Wars.  Select branches will also offer lunches in partnership with Cincinnati Public Schools and Window Arts Enrichment.  Get a schedule of lunch times and Brain Camps and sign up at!

This article was originally published in March 2025.