It makes sense to learn about finances while you’re still in school, so that you’re better prepared for adulthood and the kinds of financial stress that can come with it, right?  That’s what most parents think, as does Fifth Third Bank, which recently launched its new Finance Academy, a financial and entrepreneurship education program. 

Spanning ten states, the program collaborates with education technology company EVERFI, Inc., and will reach as many as 150,000 students in its first full year.  The program delivers interactive online financial education through two courses that cover topics like investing basics.  Participating students will also get real-world experiences, like filling out a FAFSA form.  The Venture portion of the program will guide students through the creation of a business plan — from generating an idea to putting the idea into practice.  Lastly, the program includes Financial Empowerment Days, when employee volunteers visit schools to lead additional experiences. 

High school administrators and teachers who are interested learning more about Finance Academy can visit

This article was originally published in March 2025.