Families With Red Kettles

Sign up for a single afternoon (two hours) or make an ongoing commitment throughout the campaign, which runs from Nov. 14 – Dec. 24 at more than 100 retail spots like Kroger. The campaign kicks off with an event on Fountain Square, beginning at 12 p.m. Join a group bell ringing, let your little ones have fun ringing the bell, share some holiday wishes, and watch the donations soar! For details, call Michelle Jones at 513-762-5641 or e-mail michelle.jones@use.salvationarmy.org.


Make an In-Kind Donation

Cleaned and organized your closets? Here are some spots accepting gently used clothes, toys, books, electronics, blankets and coats. Please visit these web sites or call to determine appropriate donation items and to find out about year-round volunteer opportunities.

· Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 513-421-CARE (2273) or svdpcincinnati.org.

· The Salvation Army, Southwest Ohio-Northeast Kentucky Division, 513-762-5368 or salvationarmycincinnati.org

· AMVETS of Ohio, 866-388-0046 or amvetsclothingpickup.org

· Brighton Center, 859-491-8303 or brightoncenter.com

· St. Joseph Home, 513-563-2520 or stjosephhome.org/media/WISH%20LIST%202012.pdf


 Help for the Hungry

Now through Nov. 21, families can drop off non-perishable food items at Union Pediatric Dentistry (2012 Callie Way, Ste. 202, Union) to donate to the Fairhaven Rescue Mission. Each child who brings in a food item will receive a coupon for a free frozen custard from Culver’s and be entered into a drawing for an iTouch. Call 859-384-6050 or grandslamsmiles.com.


The Freestore Foodbank has plenty of volunteer opportunities for ages 13 and older, including carrying and packing holiday boxes which contains all the fixings for a holiday meal to neighbors in need. Help is need on Nov. 19 (7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 12 – 4:30 p.m.), Nov. 20 (7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 4 – 6:30 p.m.) and Nov. 21 (7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 12 – 4:30 p.m.) at the Freestore Foodbank Customer Connection Center (112 East Liberty St.). Call 513-482-7550 or http://fsfbmedia.org/beta/take-action/volunteer.


On Sunday, Nov. 4, the Clay Alliance presents Empty Bowls, a benefit for Kids Café of the Freestore Foodbank, at the Verdin Bell Event Centre (444 Reading Road). For $23 ($6 for children, food only), enjoy your favorite soup in a ceramic bowl of your choosing. Visit clayalliance.org.

This article was originally published in March 2025.