Bundle up the kids and have a super fun snow day! Be sure to take plenty of Instagram-worthy pics of the kids with rosy cheeks and big smiles. Isn’t winter weather snow much fun?! 

Okay, back to reality. Please let me know if you relate more to the scene I am about to paint …

It takes about 20 minutes just to lay out the kids snow-clothes. Why is it so hard to find a pair of matching gloves? Where did you put your left snow boot?! 

The kids are dressed and ready to head out the door! Oh no. Where is the sled? Did anyone think to put the sled inside before the snow came? No. Great, the sled is buried somewhere in our yard under the snow. 

Awesome. Everyone is dressed and we allocated all of our gear!

Zooming down hills. 

Snow ball fight. 

Igloo building.


Mom’s big butt breaks a sled from the 90’s. Mom is not laughing. Mom is gonna be hurting for a week. Mom puts on a grin anyways because everyone is actually getting along and playing together. 

Happy giggles and squeals from the kids.

This is actually fun! This is worth all the work!  Everyone’s fingers are frozen. It is time to head inside for some hot cocoa. The kids throw their inside-out soaking wet snow clothes in a BIG pile. Time to spend the rest of the day doing laundry…. when the kids look up at you…

“Now what?”

Excuse me, I just gifted you with the type of snow day experience that childhood memories are made of. What do you mean, “Now what?” 

Don’t worry. After you spent a couple of hours in the snow, we’ve got you covered with snow day ideas:

Build memories together with Make-A-Fort!

It is so much fun to make an old-fashioned blanket fort, but currently our blankets are all being used because the weather outside is downright frightful! An innovative new take on indoor fort building comes from Make-A-Fort. From forts, mazes, puzzles, tunnels and mansions, the only real limit with these cool building kits is your own creativity! The recycled cardboard panels simply slide together for easy building. Plus budding artists can grab some markers or crayons and customize their forts. Kits can be reused time and time again and come with a special carrying case that is perfect for storage. Make-A-Fort is perfect for building memories together- learn more at makeafort.fun today. 



Kids can get crafty with a kit from Pottery Awesomeness!

Kids will love getting creative with a kit from Pottery Awesomeness. These cool kits come equipped with everything needed for a perfect pottery painting activity and there are tons of terrific themed pieces to choose from with their standard kits (sports, unicorns, mermaids, dinosaurs, donuts, etc.). Families can also choose to order a subscription or even a birthday pottery package. This is a fun activity that also gives back. With each order made, Pottery Awesomeness donates an art kit to a children’s hospital. Order a kit and also give back to kids who would benefit from some art therapy, learn more at potteryawesomeness.com


2020 dealt the world some highs and a lot of lows. Children typically have to learn how to process their emotions, and the highs and lows of these unprecedented times certainly impacted the wide range of complex emotions children experienced. Coping with stress and talking about mental health is so important, especially for kids! The UPside Delivered aims to help children not only understand their feelings but also to have fun with them! UPside Boxes are delivered right to families doorsteps with uplifting tools to help kids mental health and keep the calm. Items range from worry dolls, journals, buddha boards, books, toys and more. Standard subscription boxes are available as well as specialty boxes with themes like Self-Esteem, COVID Coping skills, Back to School, Grief, Worry and Mindfulness. Learn more about these great boxes by visiting upsidedelivered.com



Kids will love reading with Owl Crate Jr.

What is better on a snowy cold day than getting swept away to a new literary world? Kids will love curling up with a brand new book (and maybe a cup of hot cocoa, too?) with Owl Crate Jr.  This subscription box,  for readers age 8 – 12, is delivered full with new books and super fun goodies that correspond with the monthly theme.  At least one item in the box will foster imagination and creativity; plus each box also comes with a letter from the author and a collectible sticker. Past themes include Code Breakers, Bump in the night, Rebels and & Rulebreakers. Check it out with a one time box, three or six month subscription. Help foster a lifelong love of reading in your children; learn more at owlcrate.com


Try a new sport with Pickup Sports!

While snow has blanketed the tri-state, Spring is just around the corner. Spring means sports for many families, but if you have a toddler, how do you know which sport is right for them? It can take some trial and error to find your child’s sport and testing out sports scan be downright costly! Pickup Sports offers families the opportunity to try new sports at an affordable price.  Start thinking ahead to nice days spent outside… sport starter kits come equipped with age-appropriate equipment, live virtual skills classes and a fun curriculum. Kiddos ages 3 – 6 can sample basketball, flag football. tennis, baseball and softball and tennis. Kits can be purchased at pickupsports.co and on Amazon. 


Enjoy a HOT lunch with Lava Lunch!

I just checked the forecast, and it looks like more snow could be on the way. If you plan on having another big snow day on the slopes, why not plan a little picnic? Lava Lunch lets you have hot food anywhere, anytime. Pack up some hot soup, stew or pasta to enjoy WARM at the park after sliding down the hills. After loading up on some carbs, I am sure your family will have even more energy to stay and play a little bit longer! Of course you child will also enjoy packing a hot lunch to dine on at school. When they are in the cafeteria looking out at flurries flying, they will have fond memories of the time they had a warm lunch outside in the winter weather. Head to lavalunch.com to learn more about these innovative hot lunch totes.

This article was originally published in March 2025.