It’s almost that time of year again for your child’s favorite Christmas elf to fly in and start his antics! Your elf might be a kind elf, a naughty elf or a little bit of both. Whatever kind of elf you have, I’m sure he brings great joy to your kiddos! I’m also fairly certain all elves begin to run out of ideas come the last week of December … or maybe last half of December!  

If your elf needs some ideas, here are some quick and easy ideas that your kids will enjoy!

  • Saddle up and ride one of your child’s favorite toys such as a car, train or dinosaur.
  • Have a snowball (marshmallow) fight with Barbie, Bumblebee or one of your kids’ favorite toys.
  • Dive into a stocking…but leave your feet popping out.
  • Use a dry erase marker to draw mustaches on your kids framed picture. Make sure you draw on the glass!
  • Play hide-and-seek in the Christmas tree.
  • School-age kids find elf poo (chocolate chips) hilarious!
  • Lots of kids are excited for the new “Frozen 2” movie! Purchase some tickets and deliver them to your favorite kids in the morning.
  • Write notes to your kids like, “Psst, ask your parents for a nachos and movie night tonight! I would love to watch a movie tonight!” (This is one of my kids favorites!)
  • Target always has cute Christmas socks that make great sleeping bags. Recycle the sleeping bags when done and give them to the kids.
  • Write a list of items your kids need to go out, and purchase to donate to those in need.
  • If you have time, try wrapping a present for someone that does not live in the home (don’t want to spoil any surprises!); be careful though, tape is sticky! Try not to get wrapped up in it!

If your elf is a bit forgetful, set a “Magic of Christmas” alarm on your phone to go off daily after your kids are in bed. That way you can be reminded your elf will fly to and from the North Pole each night. This helps so you don’t crawl into bed and 30 minutes later, remember you didn’t remind your elf he needed to move. Our elf loves to see what other elves are doing and is often checking Facebook for new ideas. Share with us what your elf is up to, and give some other elves some ideas! 

This article was originally published in March 2025.