The Family Nurturing Center is accepting craft kits to enhance visits between biological, non-custodial parents and their children.  The center is dedicated to ending the cycle of child abuse and facilitates visits funded by Hamilton County Job and Family Services.

“When a child comes to a court ordered supervised visitation to see his biological, non-custodial parent, craft time is an excellent way for them to interact together,” says Tracy Fuchs, Director of Marketing and Special Events for the center.

Fuchs says families can help by assembling seasonal craft kits for child/parent visitations.  Simply put the supplies and instructions for a seasonal craft in a ziplock bag (minus the glue and scissors) along with a label or picture of what the finished craft looks like.  For delivery details, call 859-525-3200.  Visit to learn more about the center and its programs.

This article was originally published in March 2025.