Today’s thing I love is sleep, featuring DockATot. 

So first, what are the obstacles with sleep once you have a baby? 

Well, with an infant, you may feel like good sleep is a distant memory. Your sweet new bundle of joy may be awake at night every two to three hours to eat and get a quick diaper change. Exhaustion sets in. During this stage, I personally gained two new best friends, my baby and a newfound love of coffee. Luckily babies are adorable, because they can get away with crying at all hours of the night. 

Once baby actually sleeps through the night, you feel like throwing a party — Woo! — except you’re too tired, so you celebrate by sleeping. You catch up on some zzz’s and everything is going great! Baby is starting to smile and coo. They continue to sleep through the night. They’re really starting to show their little personality, and it makes your heart melt. And then another milestone — Baby starts to turn. They roll over and over, all day long, and oh, no! At bedtime they grunt and fuss because they want to keep practicing turning instead of sleeping. 

To keep it simple: Baby sleep comes with lots of little bumps, hurdles, and mountains.

Next, how does the DockATot help? 

If you are a co-sleeping family, DockATot is a great option for your bed. It keeps baby flat on their back, and does not raise their temperature. It is comfortable, but also still firm. Baby is safely cushioned by the DockATot, ensuring a good night’s sleep. Better sleep for Baby means a happier baby, and Momma is happy when Baby is well rested and happy. 

If you are simply looking for a safe and comfy place for Baby to nap during the day, look no further! DockATot has handles which make traveling out-and-about a breeze. When my little guy falls asleep for his nap, I can pick up the DockATot with one hand, and plop it on the floor in wherever I happen to be. When I place him down, I have one hand under him and one hand on top. First I slowly sneak my bottom hand out. Then I leave my other hand on his chest for a few seconds. He stays asleep with no trouble! 

Personally, my baby was having issues in our former co-sleeper because it had metal support rails, covered in a small amount of fabric, surrounding it. When my baby moved his arms at night, he would whack the sides, hurt his arm, and wake up crying. This clearly was not working for me, because every time he wiggled or moved his arms, he woke up and fussed, which meant I was waking up, too. After giving the DockATot a try for a few weeks, I can say this bed is so much better than our last! I wish we had it way sooner! I can honestly report that with DockATot, my baby has waken up less at night and I feel more rested in the morning because of that! 

What else do you need to know? DockATot is machine washable, and hypoallergenic. The deluxe is ideal for newborn – 8 months, and the grand accommodates children up to 36 months old. There are lots of designs and patterns, and there is even an optional toy bar you can add to the DockATot for playtime during the day! If you are looking to have a good night’s sleep or an easy travel napper, check out DockATot’s super cute new dock line including whimsical designs like Lovely Day and Night Night. 

Visit: to buy yours today! 


This article was originally published in March 2025.