Turn a plain headband into a festive birthday cake headband.

What You Need
Plain headband, scissors, orange marker, ribbon and tulle of varying colors, toilet paper roll, tape, white paper, regular and hot glue

What You Do
• Cut the toilet paper roll down to the height you want the “cake” to be.
• Cut strips of ribbon and glue them around the toilet paper roll.
• Use the remnant piece of the roll to cut strips for candles. Glue white paper over them and color the flame in with the orange marker. Glue/tape them to the top inside of the roll facing out.
• Cut strips of tulle and glue/tape them into the inside bottom of the roll to hang out.
• Carefully (parents) hot glue the roll onto the headband.

TOP 5 CRAFTS (from around the web) FOR BIRTHDAY PARTIES


Superhero Masks | by Red Ted Art | redtedart.com


Monster Bash! | by Kate Petronis | andeverythingsweet.blogspot.com


DIY Princess Necklaces | by Cathie and Steve | handmadehappyhour.com


Pom Pom Jingle Bracelets | by Courtney Sanchez | craftsbycourtney.com


Make a Paper Doll | by Rita | suburbsmama.blogspot.com


This article was originally published in March 2025.