Falcon Camp
From the Sponsor
Falcon Camp
Established: 1959
Camp Phone Number: (330) 627-4269
What is the camp’s mission and philosophy?
“Fun for Now, Skills for Life”
Falcon creates opportunities for campers to grow, learn new skills and fun in responsible ways. A foundation of confidence, resilience, self-esteem lasts a lifetime.
What safety measures are in place?
ACA accredited. Thorough background checks and training for staff with admin supervision. Constant maintenance of facilities. Always two staff in activities, RN and health center on location. YEARS of experience.
What is the camper-to-counselor ratio?
Standard ratio in living areas/cabins is 4/1 with 3/1 being the norm in younger cabins. Activity areas vary with activity with a minimum of two staff per activity.
How are staff members screened and trained?
Every way we legally can! We do interviews, background checks, fingerprints, references, social media overview, etc. Training begins online prior to arrival and continues throughout the summer. Constant admin oversight.
Is there a daily schedule, and can you provide an example?
There is a sample daily schedule on the website. Campers are divided by age and gender into 6 groups. Campers choose their own activities within a framework.
Are there opportunities for free play or downtime?
We have a rest hour every day. There is also some downtime around meals and bedtime. We have camper choice activities spread throughout each week with free movement.
How does the camp handle health issues and allergies?
RN and health center on site. Allergies and health issues are discussed prior to arrival with health staff to make sure we can safely care for your child.
Are there opportunities for parents to visit or participate in camp activities?
There is a visitor day every two weeks for campers who stay four weeks or longer. Shorter sessions do not have visitations. Parents can participate in activities on visitor days.