When my son wasn’t meeting age-appropriate milestones — specifically language development — I reached out to my pediatrician. I was encouraged to read to my son and enroll him in therapy. My son was not interested in books … unless they were on a screen. Of course, I was concerned about overexposure to screen time. It was becoming more challenging to find creative ways to spark his interest in literature — until Storypod! 

Storypod helps kids read


What is Storypod?

It’s a tap-to-play audio system (speaker) for ages 0 – 6+. These adorable, yarn “Crafties” are interactive and each one offers a unique learning experience in English with some Crafties offering Spanish, too. My 5-year-old son has Craftie Fox who tells adventures. Uma Unicorn sings songs and Owl Craftie records (this is my son’s favorite as he loves to record himself and play it back).

Storypod offers read-along audiobooks which help with print recognition, sight words and comprehension. There are trivia questions at the end of each book. You can play songs through the speaker by placing a Craftie on top of the Storypod. Trivia cards can also be tapped on top of the Storypod for lessons. This feature has been helping my son answer “wh” questions which is a goal in his speech therapy. There are endless opportunities for learning.

Quick Set Up

To set it up, simply download the Storypod app, create an account and connect to your WiFi and Bluetooth. Mom or Dad can control the Storypod features through the app. 

My son is now asking for his Storypod first thing in the morning and after school! Storypod is a creative way to teach children language and cognitive skills. It is educational, engaging and encourages imagination.

I recommend this product to for kid wherever I go now! This user-friendly reading tool will make a great baby shower gift, birthday gift or Christmas gift and can be found at Amazon or Storypod.com.

This article was originally published in March 2025.