They had them at “dab!” My children were dabbing and giggling as I carefully opened our DabitZ set and read the directions. The directions were well organized and easy to follow, which allowed me to get my son up and going within minutes.

The set included the pixel templates, vellum, and special “dabbing” markers that have a flat circular tip perfect for dabbing, all inside of the Dab Desk. The Dab Desk stores everything easily inside and has a frame that kids can lift easily, but it is strong enough to hold the template and vellum in place. DabitZ reminds me of an updated version of paint by number. The template has small squares with letters that tell you what color marker to use. When you find the marker you need, you gently press it down on the vellum to create a small colored circle. When complete, all of the small dabs/pixels create a mosaic picture.

As my son, who will be 7 this fall, started dabbing, I began to wonder if he would tire out from dabbing after a long day at school. He quietly looked at the template to see what color he needed and recognized that he needed to find the markers with the same code. For example, the purple marker is labeled PR. He meticulously dabbed with a plan…he focused on one area at a time before moving on to the next area. After about twenty minutes, he looked up at me and told me the project was so relaxing! I was jealous! I wanted to dab too … so I asked if I could help him, which of course he said I could! He was right dabbing is so relaxing!

When he finished dabbing his lollipop, I explained to him that he made a pixel picture. I explained to him what a pixel is and where he could find them. Next, we downloaded the DabitZ app to continue with the creative fun! Once the app downloaded, he took a picture and then transformed his picture with the easy to use app! When his picture was just right, I saved it and sent it to my email so I could print it for him! My son also loved the mosaic look of the picture he dabbed on the vellum and asked if he could hang it on a window like a light catcher. He was so excited to see it when the light hit it!

As a former teacher, I love how DabitZ is easy to use, can be calming, requires kids to use their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination all while creating a masterpiece. My family travels a lot, so we tested out DabitZ on the road too! Since the Dab Desk holds all of the materials, it was easy for my son to dab and create art on the go! DabitZ is recommended for ages 6 and older, but my 4-year-old tried it out too. She was able to dab and enjoyed it, but did not have the stamina to finish a picture in one sitting. With Christmas around the corner, the DabitZ by Fibrecraft would make a great gift for your favorite artists! 

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This article was originally published in March 2025.