Cincinnati Children’s vaccinated 297 kids ages 5 to 11 years old against COVID-19 recently at Liberty Township, the first time the medical center held a vaccine clinic.

As of right now, Cincinnati Children’s has vaccinated a total of 3,687 children ages 5-11 since November 3, which was when the medical center held its first COVID-19 vaccine clinic for that age group. Clinical trials at Cincinnati Children’s have demonstrated that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective for kids and adults. Side effects, if any, might include a sore arm at the spot of the injection; a headache or fatigue might be possible, however, tend to be mild and go away in a day or two.

“This was truly a day to celebrate as we vaccinated 404 individuals and, in the process, welcomed over a thousand family members to our Liberty Campus,” said Susan Wade-Murphy, RN, assistant vice president for Patient Services, who oversees COVID-19 vaccination clinics at Cincinnati Children’s.

The medical center administered the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine with a second dose to be administered December 12 at the same location.

For future clinics and more information, visit

This article was originally published in March 2025.