Current Magazine Cover

Hospital Protocal Revamps

Now that the economy is re-opening, you may be getting a call from the doc to reschedule the appointment or surgery you missed. Here is what hospitals are doing right now to comply with COVID-19 safety guidelines.

Stings and Bites in Summer

You’ve only been outside 10 minutes and your little one is eaten up by bugs! Here’s what you need to know.

Pool and Water Safety for Families

As of right now, pools have been given the thumbs up to open, but that doesn’t mean all will. Whether you plan on heading to a pool this summer or your favorite lake, remember to first go over water safety with your kids.

Expecting and COVID-19

Moms everywhere want to know how TO BEST ensure their baby’s safety during the pandemic. Here are some of the most common pregnancy and breastfeeding questions answered.

Family Health Bits

If you’re an expecting or new mom worried during this strange time we are now living in, we have the latest information from the CDC to help ease your mind, plus what is new at area hospitals.

Kids & Concussions: What You Need to Know

When you were a kid, people may have blown off concussions, but not anymore. Parents with contact-sport-playing kids need to be aware and take necessary precautions.

Not Cool to Juul

Your kids’ health is major — staying educated on trendy habits such as Juuling — can help you protect them.

Work Out? Is Your Child Old Enough?

Daily physical activities are one thing, but weights and conditioning are another. Is it safe for your child? The answer may surprise you.

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