I recently discovered a local baker with amazing cookies — Delicious Designs Cookies! I ended up ordering some for end of the year teacher gifts. While on the facebook page I noticed that Arin Singer-Bonk, Delicious Designs Cookies offers camps for potty trained kids between the ages of 3-12. It is a drop off, kids only program that takes place at Arin’s home or at Book Bums. (I told my son he better save me one of his cookies!)

My 4-year-old son participated in the LEGO Camp Cookie last week and he LOVED it! I dropped him off at Arin’s home and he immediately went in and began playing with LEGO’s while I checked him in. During the 2 hours that he was there he participated in ice-breakers, decorated a bakery box, decorated an apron, listened to a story, and then began making cookies! He got to choose his cookie cutter shapes, roll out his dough, bake the cookies and then decorate them. He also made a LEGO craft! He didn’t know any of the other kids, so it was a great opportunity for him to work on his social skills too!

When I picked him up he was excited to show me his Ninja Turtle LEGO head (he received a box of Ninja Turtle LEGO’s for his birthday, which sparked his love for brick building!) and his LEGO brick cookies. The first think I noticed were the great circles he made with his frosting! As a former teacher I could tell he took his time and worked those fine motor skills. I was also pleased to see his creativity and the connection he made between making a Ninja Turtle head cookie and the Ninja Turtle LEGO he has at home. Also, for $22 I had 2 hours of much needed alone time with my daughter. We enjoy doing things together as a family, but it is also nice to spend time one on one with each of them.

This is the 6th summer Arin is offering Camp Cookie! Camp Cookie has also developed into an after-school enrichment class that was held at 6 different Lakota Schools throughout the 2014-2015 school year. It is a 6 week program with sessions that are one hour each. Each week has a different theme! Once school resumes she would like to take the preschool world by storm and offer scheduled sessions!

If you want to try an amazing Delicious Design Cookie you can place an order or stop into one of these locations: Awakenings Coffee and Wine, Redtree Art Gallery and Coffee Shop, Book Bums and Steve’s Meats and Deli My son was craving one of her cookies so we stopped and picked up a baseball cookie. It was a perfectly delicious way to celebrate the All Star festivities!

Check out Delicious Design Cookies on facebook or on her blog. Your kiddos and taste buds will thank you!



Mom Reporter Tina Pratt is the mom of two littles.  She is a former PreK- 5 special education teacher that now works as a behavior coach.  She enjoys being a tourist in her own town and finding ways to embed lessons into everyday fun!

This article was originally published in March 2025.