Fiona the Hippo by New York Times Best-selling Illustrator Richard Cowdrey, a Cincinnati-native, debuted last week and made the New York Times’ best-seller book list of Children’s Books. 

Fiona captured the ears of many with her amazing story – she was born prematurely and not expected to live. With the help of the amazing caregivers at the Cincinnati Zoo, her hippo-spunk, and a wiggle of her ears, she amazed us all. 

What better place to debut Cowdrey’s children’s book than at the Cincinnati Zoo. We were so grateful for the opportunity to be there and learn about Fiona and this magnificent author. We indulged in Grater’s Ice Cream, had a close encounter with some of the zoo’s coolest animals and shook Cowdry’s hand as he signed our book. 

Since then, Cowdrey has made his way around Cincinnati – Jungle Jim’s International Market in Fairfield, Barnes and Noble Booksellers in Fields Ertel, Kroger and the Cincinnati Zoo. It doesn’t stop here – he is slowly making his way around Ohio. Here are some upcoming book signings to look forward to: 

– Good News Book Fair (St. Sebastian School, 476 Mull Ave., Akron, Oh 44320) Sunday, September 30 9:30 – 11 a.m. for a book signing and discussion of his book. For details, visit

-Mazza Museum (1000 North Main St. Findlay, Oh 45240) October 12 at 10 a.m. with a presentation followed by a book signing. For more information and to register, visit

– Alumni Memorial Union (164 Frazer St., Findlay, Oh 45840) Fridays at Findlay – Giving Birth to Fiona, the Baby Hippo from 7:30 – 9 p.m., visit for details and tickets. 

– Books By the Banks at the Duke Energy Convention Center (525 Elm St, Cincinnati, OH 45202) Saturday, October 20 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Stop by and see him at his table. For more details about Books by the Banks, visit

For more information about Fiona the Hippo and Cowdrey, visit See the book come to life here:








This article was originally published in March 2025.