Remember the nanobebe breastfeeding bottle from our January issue? If you loved it, so did Time Magazine, awarding nanobebe Best Inventions of the year.

Time highlights the best global inventions each year, finding new inventors who are helping make the world a better place. Some of the key factors they look for include originality, creativity, influence, ambition and effectiveness – exactly what nanobebe is initiating in their products.

Nanobebe has found a way to create products that support baby’s health while supporting parents’ busy lifestyle as well. According the the American Pediatric Association, the recommendation is that all babies receive breast milk as their main source of nutrition at least for the first 6 months of life. Nanobebe has made this easier; with the first-ever Breastmilk Bottle, nanobebe is specifically designed to hang onto those essential breastmilk nutrients, with it’s familiar breast-like shape, encouraging an easy, instinctual transition for babies. Mommies can rest easy knowing their baby feels confident transitioning back and forth from breast to bottle. Now, the whole family can experience this special bond with baby – it’s a win, win!

You can find nanobébé products at large scale retailers such as Target, BuyBuy Baby, Amazon and Walmart nationwide.

For more information on nanobébé, visit

This article was originally published in March 2025.