Today was supposed to be opening day. We were all supposed to be gathering at Findlay Market, singing “Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd!”. We can not go out to the ballgame, we DEFINITELY can’t be around any crowds… but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some baseball themed fun today with your family in honor of the Cincinnati Reds opening day tradition. Keep your spirits up and root, root, root for the home team! Here are a few ideas to help make some memories in honor of America’s favorite pastime…


  1. Put on a Reds shirt and have a baseball themed dance party. Some great songs would be “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” (lots of variations here, but I like the Billy Joel version), “Centerfield” by John Fogerty, “High Top Shoes” by JoJo Siwa, “Swing” by Trace Atkins and more. Talk to your child: what would they pick as their walk up song if they were a pro-baseball player? My son Dominic loves the song “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons because his baseball team is the Thunder! Practice walking out to bat and hype up the crowd. 
  2. Get ready for your own baseball season with a baseball workout. Hit up youtube for some great stretches, lunges and exercises… Here is one my kids liked:
  3. Play a baseball themed edition of Simon Says! Simon says “Swing your bat”, “Throw the baseball”, “Slide into home”, “Cheer for your team”, “Eat some popcorn”, and more!
  4. Make a baseball themed chalk obstacle course. Draw a path of baseballs for your kiddos to hop to, draw a baseball diamond for your kids to run around, draw a row of zig zag baseball bats for your child to balance on, draw popcorn and have your kids try to avoid the pieces… the only limitation is your own imagination. 
  5. Get crafty! There are tons of fun baseball themed crafts out there!!! Here are couple of ideas…   Punch holes in a paper plate and practice lacing the ball with red yarn… Make baseball pennants for each member of your family and display them on your front door… color Reds printables like this one…
  6. Create your own Opening Day Parade! Grab a tambourine, drum or maracas and hit the sidewalk. Have any red balloons? Streamers? Decorate a bike or scooter and hit the town or march around and wave to cars passing by- be mindful and observe social distancing during your parade. 
  7. Check the pantry and see if you have foods for a baseball themed picnic outside! Hot dogs, soft pretzels, popcorn, lemonade… and grown-ups, maybe even  indulge yourself with a local beer if you have one. Getting some sun and spending time outside will be great for “team” morale.
  8. Play catch! Simple and sweet. Play together. 
  9. Watch a vintage game. ESPN will be airing plenty of baseball today!
  10. Do some opening day online shopping… Have a little one you want decked out for baseball season? Check out these adorable items! Help your kiddo be decked out from head all the way to toe! 

Wubbanub has a brand new line of MLB themed Wubbanub bears! Browse them, here: 

For the cutest feet around, check out these super trendy baseball moccasins from Bird Rock Baby!

This article was originally published in March 2025.