1. EYE CONTACT (6 – 8 weeks)
This first milestone lets you know that your infant’s on track.

2. SMILE (6 – 8 weeks)
Not to be confused with a smile related to digestive gas, a genuine smile happens in response to someone else’s smile.

3. COOING (8 weeks)
Sweet little sounds like “ooh” and “ahh” start happening spontaneously.

4. BABBLING (3 – 4 months)
Cooing expands when Baby starts to use his tongue. At 6 – 8 months, Baby will start babbling back to you.

5. REACHING & GRABBING (5 – 7 months)
Using hands and arms, Baby shows an interest in touching and holding. Create opportunities for this.

6. ROLLING OVER (5+ months)
Baby can lift his head, push up on his arms and try rocking. Using his head and arms in a “mini” push up, he will amaze you when he flips from front to back.

7. SITTING UP (5+ months)
Sitting for a few minutes without support comes next (once there’s total head control).

8. CRAWLING (7 – 10 months)
Babies have different styles in this department, scooting on the bottom or pushing off on the tummy by the knees.

9. PULLING UP (9+ months)
All of the sudden your baby has the muscle development he needs to pull himself up to a standing position. Big boy!

10. WALKING (9 – 15 months)
Your baby will sit, roll over and crawl before moving from pulling up to walking. Once a baby progresses to walking, well, welcome to independence!

NOTE: Babies vary on exact milestone timelines. If you have any concerns about your baby’s development, consult with your pediatrician.

This article was originally published in March 2025.