
If you wait until you can actually afford a baby you’ll never have one, so careful financial planning is in order … Here’s what you should pay attention to:

Health Insurance
Your employer’s health insurance will be the most cost-effective option available to you for your baby’s pediatric care. Research the benefits covered in your plan, such as the delivery of the baby, hospital stay, doctor fees and well baby checkups, etc. After the baby is born, fill out the necessary papers to add your child to your group health plan. Most insurance plans require that you add your child to the plan within 30 days of birth.

Pre-Baby Budget
Beyond your rent or mortgage, car payment and utility bills, what do you spend on a weekly basis? Keep an expense journal for 30 days. You may have to eat at home more often to pay for all those diapers and tweak your budget to adjust for other needed items.

Pre-Baby Expenses
What do you REALLY need for your baby? Check on Craigslist or ebay for hardly used items (but be aware of recall items). Also, keep in mind that babies grow fast so don’t overspend on infant wear.

Money Tip
Think about it: If you can resist spending $25 a month and invest it instead, you’ll have $10,855 when the baby turns 18 (assuming a rate of 7 percent)!


With a baby on the way, everything will soon be more expensive than you think, says Katina Z. Jones, author of The Everything Get Ready for Baby Book. So start creating a nest egg. With just $20 a paycheck, you’ll feel better knowing you have some type of cushion set up.

Most Popular Baby Names 2011


Boys Girls
1. Jacob
2. Mason
3. William
4. Jayden
5. Noah
6. Michael
7. Ethan
8. Alexander
9. Aiden
10. Daniel
1. Sophia
2. Isabella
3. Emma
4. Olivia
5. Ava
6. Emily
7. Abigail
8. Madison
9. Mia
10. Chloe








Source: Social Security



 The Halo SleepSack

In 1991, prior to the Back-to-Sleep Campaign that launched in 1992, William Schmid and his wife lost their firstborn to SIDS. Bill Schmid went on to develop the wearable sleep sack to encourage safer sleep for infants and to bring peace of mind to parents. The HALO SleepSack is now the number one choice of hospitals across the nation. Learn more and shop for one at





Natural-Feel Baby Bottle
by Comotomo, Inc.,
$15.99 (8 oz. bottle), $14.99 (5 oz. bottle)
A super soft baby bottle that allows Baby to feed comfortably. The large nipple mimics that of the breast and the wide-neck design allows for a more comfortable grip. The body of the bottle is silicone and is textured to resemble that of skin — which also gives you the chance to squeeze.



200 Series Ultra Lightweight Umbrella Stroller
by Baby Cargo;; $109.99
The name says it all. Baby Cargo is a new baby gear product line which recently launched with this lightweight stroller series. It features a multi-positioning back rest, adjustable leg rest, five-point harness, back pocket, under cargo basket and folds down easy. Available in three different color duos: ocean/stone, cherry/pom and smoke/mirrors. It’s great for moms on the go. Appropriate for ages birth and older (up to 50 pounds).







Make-A-Smash Food Masher
by Dr. Brown’s Designed to Nourish; $6.85
Once your dinner has been made, take a little to the side for Baby. Start him off on solids by using freshly prepared foods with the help of this handy tool. It’s easy to use and clean. Not only that, but take it on the go and mash Baby’s food right when he needs it. Dr. Brown’s has a wide variety of other new products, too, like the Puree & Simple Blender, PreVent Orthodontic Pacifiers and more.

This article was originally published in March 2025.