Here’s a great way to get your kids outside! Cincinnati Parks and the Contemporary Arts Center have a new kids’ program called Art Play Hike – made possible through a partnership between The Contemporary Arts Center and Cincinnati Parks.

Children ages 2 – 7 can bundle up during rain or shine to investigate a park with a park naturalist each month. Then, after outdoor exploration — and hot cocoa — your child will get an Art-2-Go bag so she can create a masterpiece at home. All programs are offered 10:30 – 11:30 a.m., monthly and are FREE, but registration is required, and children must wear masks.


Dec. 3 – California Woods (5400 Kellogg Ave., Cincinnati, Oh)
Jan. 7 – Mt. Storm Park (700 LaFayette Ave., Cincinnati, Oh)
Feb. 4 – Mt. Airy Tree House (212 Trail Ridge Road, Cincinnati, Oh)
March 4 – French Park (3012 Section Road, Cincinnati, Oh)
April 1 – Eden Park (950 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, Oh)
May 6 – Burnet Woods (3251 Brookline Ave., Cincinnati, Oh)

Register your child for Art Play Hike at For more information, call 513-345-8400.

This article was originally published in March 2025.