Honor WWII veterans with aviation, history, plane display and vendors during Lunken Airport Days, taking place Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 2 & 3 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. with free admission and parking. View military aircraft and vehicles on static display (in addition to classic cars) or get up close with ground tours are available daily for $10 per person or $20 per family. Helicopter rides will also be available on site.

Book a Flight

For the flight of a lifetime, a B-29 Bomber flight can be booked Sept. 1 – 3. Passengers must be at least 6 years old and able to climb a 6′ ladder to enter the crew entry door which is 19″ wide and 32″ tall.

Seat locations and pricing include:

• Bombardier seat: $1,500
• Cockpit/Pilot Observer: $1,200
• Radio Operator: $1,200
• Navigator: $1,200
• Master Gunner: $600
• Gunner: $600 each, six seats

See the plane layout here. Flight experiences last 90 minutes and include a 30-minute ride. Prior to takeoff, passengers experience a crew briefing and learn about the history that the B-29 played in U.S. history.

To book a flight on a B-29, go here.
To book a flight on Kestrel’s T-6, go here.

Lunken Airport Days includes a Color Guard ceremony at 12 noon on both Saturday and Sunday. Lunken Airport is located at 262 Wilmer Ave., Cincinnati. To learn more, go here.

This article was originally published in March 2025.