Down, down, down the stairs, then across a series of boardwalk bridges and over deep green foliage toward our destination. We heard it before we saw it: the pounding water of Hayden Falls. It’s a gorgeous waterfall, and the day we visited, a glamorous woman was using it as a backdrop for a photoshoot. We took a selfie, and then a leisurely stroll back to save energy for going back up all those stairs. Our slow pace allowed us to enjoy the stream below and a family of ducks out for their morning swim.

Located in Dublin, Ohio, Hayden Falls is one of four waterfalls featured in the city’s waterfall tour. For the sake of time, we only visited one other location, Indian Run Falls. For those willing to wade in the water, Indian Falls provides not only spectacle, but also spectacular fun. We watched as kids in swimsuits splashed, rock-hopped, and hunted for fossils.

Field of Corn (Photo by The Dublin Convention & Visitors Bureau)

In addition to natural beauty, Dublin offers a cell phone tour of Art in Public Places. Call the number or scan the QR code to learn about the artist and inspiration for more than 20 art installations across the city. Soccer players will enjoy seeing “Out of Bounds,” baseball lovers will like “Going, Going, Gone” and everyone will like “Field of Corn.” In fact, as we drove past the field, we couldn’t resist finding a place to park and exploring row after row of gigantic, sculpted, corn on the cob. Additionally, it was interesting to call 1-614-763-3102 (the number listed in the brochure, and on the website) and discover that the art commemorates the area’s farming heritage and pays tribute to the land’s former use as a cornfield.

Fairy Doors (Photo by The Dublin Convention & Visitors Bureau)

Downtown Dublin features more of the city’s tributes. The Fairy Door Trail pays homage to Dublin’s Irish heritage. The fun starts at the Visitor and Information Center, where kids (and adults) pick up their Fairy Door Passport. Once they find the fairy door there, they write the fairy’s name on the passport and head to the next downtown Dublin business on the tour. Participants who find all seven doors win a free T-shirt. During our hunt, we enjoyed seeing the many buildings on the historic registry and especially loved our stop at Winan’s Fine Chocolates. We found the fairy door amid their specialty coffees, decadent baked goods, and delicious chocolates. I ordered a strawberry smoothie and risked a brainfreeze headache time and again with each delicious sip.

For more delicious sips, adults will enjoy the Celtic Cocktail Trail. Collect five stamps among the taverns, restaurants and bars and win a Dublin koozie. Get all 11, and earn a t-shirt, but be sure to have a designated driver for that adventure.

Celtic Cocktail Trail (Photo by The Dublin Convention & Visitors Bureau)

Our final tour in Dublin involved a single location: Phoenix Bats. Our charismatic guide gave us the history of the company, from the time when Phoenix bats were handmade in the garage, to its current booming factory business that manufactures bats for amateur and professional baseball players. I was thrilled to press the green “start” button and then watch as blades surrounded a wooden cylinder and began shaving it into a bat. We also learned about the painting, engraving, and shipping processes, and received our own miniature souvenir bat.

Dublin Convention Visitors Bureau and Visitors Center:  9 South High St. Dublin, OH 43017
Phoenix Bats: 7801 Corporate Blvd. Suite East Plain City, OH 43064
Hayden Falls: 4326 Hayden Run Road Dublin, Ohio 43017   
Indian Run Falls: 700 Shawan Falls Drive Dublin,  Ohio 43017


This article was originally published in March 2025.