If you aren’t going door-to-door around your neighborhood, trick-or-treat at home! Decorate each room, have someone behind the door in each spooky space and the kids can get their candy buckets filled. If you are handing out treats this year, keep hand sanitizer handy for each time you drop some treats, and of course, wear your mask.
We are all in need of some human interaction. Have a little fun and “boo” some friends in your neighborhood! Make some treats bags or buckets with the kids (find ideas on Cincinnati Family’s Pinterest board), and safely drop off a bag of goodies at your neighbor’s doorstep by ringing or knocking and disappearing! Perhaps the kids might even get a surprise at their doorstep in return.
Head to a Local Pumpkin Patch
Research events before you go and see what they are doing to abide by health and safety guidelines. If they are safely open, dress up in your Halloween-costume-best and pick out some pumpkins and even check out some sweet treats the farm offers to really spice up your day. You may be surprised at what socially distanced kids’ activities they are pulling off this year, too!
Throw the Best. Party. Ever.
You can throw the best at-home party this year minus the expenses. Let’s get real, parenting during the pandemic is hard enough, so choose two or three simple activities and keep to your budget. We are all under some financial constraints right now, so less is better! Shop Amazon for some simple, spooky Halloween banners, black and orange balloons and Halloween baggies for the kids. Fill up the bags with a mix of candy and healthy treats they can eat with their lunch the following week. If you have smaller kiddos, opt for less scary decor. Painting pumpkins is a great way to get the kids involved, plus they make a great Halloween decoration. Stock up on washable paint and Halloween-themed stickers and take it away. Don’t forget the Kids Bop Halloween Party mix on Spotify and host a dance party to top off the night.
Halloween Countdown
Kids love counting down to the last day of school, their birthday, and any favorite celebration, really. Begin on October 1 and go from there. Grab a cheap sticker chart from Target and have the kids add a sticker up until the big day. If you want to make it more intriguing, hand a piece of candy out every 5 – 10 days, but the countdown is exciting all in itself.
Miniature Hayride
The little kids will love this one. Grab a bale of hay from your local craft store ((Micheal’s or Hobby Lobby), and fill up the little red wagon. If you have some spare space in the backyard, lay out some pumpkins for the kids to choose from, take the kids on a “hayride,” choose your pumpkins and carve paint away! If you live in a small space, simply pull your little ones around the neighborhood in your homemade hayride and wave to the neighbors.
Halloween At-Home Costumes
The kids will love making their own costumes at home with materials you already have lying around. Think Superhero, Sweet Treats, Star Wars or Disney Characters. Next, post your photos up on social media and host a costume contest!
Farms and Fall Activities
Halloween events are still on, and so are your favorite farms! You CAN go for a hayride and pick pumpkins after all — with social distancing guidelines in place and other safety procedures. Guidelines include staying home if you are sick, wearing masks in crowded areas, sanitizing in between activities and keeping a six-foot social distance from others. Check venues before you go for up-to-date information.
Blooms and Berries Fall on the Farm
9669 S. St. Rt. 48, Loveland, Oh; 513-697-9173; bloomsandberries.com
Through Nov. 1. Although the corn box will be missed this year, the kids can enjoy hayrides, a pumpkin bounce pad, corn maze, mini corn maze, cow train, play area, farm animals, Spookley, and more. This year is a new touch-less interactive attraction, plus, touch-less online tickets only, (book early).
Burger Farm and Garden Center Fall Fun at the Farm
513-561-8634′ 7849 Main St. (Rt. 32), Cincinnati, Oh; burgerfarms.com
Through Oct. 31; weekends only. Family-friendly attractions include a jumping pillow, Challenge Course, mini ziplines and cow train. Pumpkins, corn stalks, mums, gourds, apple cider, animated pumpkin land characters, games, food, music, farm animals, crafters and more. Timed online ticketing via their website.
EnterTRAINment Jack O’ Lantern Junction
7379 Squire Court, West Chester, Oh; 513-898-8000; entertrainmentjunction.com
Through Oct. 31, closed Wednesdays. An indoor, kid-friendly maze, ghosts and skeletons. Halloween crafts, a talking pumpkin, EJ’s Halloweenville miniature animated display and Halloween-themed hand-cranked train cars and an electric train ride (weather permitting). Each child receives a bag of candy.
Heritage Village Museum Haunted Village
11500 Lebanon Road, Sharonville, Oh; 513-563-9484; heritagevillagecincinnati.org
Oct. 9, 10, 16, 17, 23 and 24 from 6 – 10 p.m. The Heritage Village Museum is transformed into a haunted town. Catch the Headless Horseman as he makes his way through the village the last two weekends (7:30 – 10 p.m. on Fridays and 6 – 10 p.m. on Saturdays). Timed entry tickets; some indoor attractions are now outdoors. Kids receive a tasty bag of candy (non-food treats for those with allergies).

4359 Hamilton Cleves Road, Ross, Oh; 513-738-1145; burwinkelfarms.com
Through Oct. 31. Enjoy hayrides to our pumpkin patch, corn mazes, sunflower fields (when in bloom), a skid maze, Halloween scavenger hunt, animals to visit, plus more! Large selection of pumpkins at great prices! Over 20 varieties of homegrown apples and tons of fall décor! Hayrides run Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (weather permitting) and we welcome pre-scheduled weekday hayride groups of 10+. Other activities are open during normal business hours. Watch our FB page for added weekday public hayrides. @BurwinkelFarms
Neiderman Family Farm Fall Fun
5110 Lesourdsville West Chester Road, Liberty Twp., Oh; 513-779-3228; niedermanfamilyfarm.com
Through Oct. 31. When you smell the cinnamon sugar donuts, you’re at Neiderman’s. Pick from hundreds of pumpkins, take a hayride, check out the four-acre corn maze, enjoy the food trucks. Weekly hours available.
Shaw Farms’ Fall Festival
1737 Ohio 131, Milford, Oh; 513-575-2022; shawfarmmarket.com
Daily through Oct. 31 (some rides unavailable weekdays). Beyond their live, online 14-acre corn maze challenge and hayrides, be sure to check out this year’s cartoon-themed playground. Keep up to date on the Facebook page: @shawfarmsmarket. Online ticket sales; reduced lines; social distancing activities.
Puzzle Pieces a Sensory Sensation Trunk or Treat
11912 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Oh; 513-583-1874; puzzlepiecesohio.com
Oct. 25, 2 – 4 p.m. A safe, social distancing trunk-or-treat event. Decorated trunks from local vendors. The decorated sensory-friendly store is open for business. Find them on Facebook for more up-to-date information: @puzzlepiecesLLCh
Country Pumpkins Fall Festival
1835 Sherman Mt. Zion Road, Dry Ridge, Ky; 859-905-9656; countrypumpkinsky.com
Through Oct. 31. New this year is Pumpkin Ridge that includes two carving pumpkins, six shots from the corn launcher, a visit with baby calves and hay bale play area. Enjoy the Kiddie Corn Maze, farm animals, sand tunnels play area, hay pyramid barrel train ride and tons more. Now offering touchless online ticketing options with family bundles, too; rides and U-Pick available Fridays 5 – 7 p.m. and weekends only.
Kinman Farms’ Fall Fest
4175 Burlington Pike, Burlington, Ky; 859-689-2682; kinmanfarm.com
Weekends through Oct. 25. Hayrides, picnic shelters, bonfires, play games, Great Pumpkin Express Ride, the five-acre corn maze, the new tricycle ride and much more. Tasty purchases available weekdays; order tickets online.
Neltner’s Farm Pumpkin Patch
6922 4 Mile Road, Melbourne, Ky; 859-496-7535; neltnersfarm.com
Through Oct. 31; A pumpkin patch, horse drawn wagon ride (masks required), corn maze, farm stand, outdoor petting zoo with social distancing and more. Masks are encouraged.