Leftovers, messy ketchup bottles, and yes, some things looking like science projects!  If you dread having to clean out your refrigerator, break it into 10-minute a day tasks until it’s clean.  

Here’s how:

 • Divide the fridge into numerous sections: The inside door; shelves (each shelf counts as one section); drawers; the outside of the fridge.

• Each day, assign 10 minutes to remove the food items from one section–wash the racks/shelves/drawers, all surrounding wall surfaces, toss expired food items and put everything back in a neat and organized manner. 

• For the outside of the fridge, do a deep clean on top of the fridge (removing anything placed there) and scrub down all sides.

• By keeping the sections to 7 or less, your refrigerator is thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned each and every week (in 10 minute daily chunks of time). Nice!

This article was originally published in March 2025.